Friday, February 11, 2011

Know how to get Heart-Centered?

"You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have really lived are the moments when you have done things in the Spirit of Love. "
- Henry Drummond
Living from our hearts brings centeredness, peace, compassionate understanding, love and an untold number of benefits to our lives and the world around us. So how is it that we get heart-centered? There has been many ways to do it, but I will just focus on the one that has been the most practical for me.

Step One: Bring Your Awareness to Your Heart. If you want place your right hand there and feel the slight pressure of your hand on the center of your chest, you may. Feel the warmth of your hand. Or you may just bring your focus within your heart by sensing your heartbeat and the natural warmth there.

Step Two: Breath. Breath in deeply through your nose and imagine as the air fills your lungs that they are filling with Love. Feel the warmth in the center of you chest. As you Exhale, imagine the Love expanding through to the rest of your body. Feel the warmth follow this.

Step Three: See a Light within the Heart. It is a golden white Light that is soft, brilliant and beautiful. See it expand out with your Exhale too and on the inhale go deeper into it.

Step Four: Expand your Heart Light. As you breath, see your Heart-Light expanding until it fills up every single cell in your body and then flows out through your pores out to All that you are.

Step Five: Live from your Heart. Feel the wonderful feelings of Peace, calmness, centeredness and Love. Dive as deeply as you wish into these blissful experiences and experiment in living your life this way...I dare ya :)

My Own Intuitive Process and Varied Forms of Answers

One thing that my own journey is teaching me is
that emotions demand to be felt and if one
doesn't allow them to be felt and expressed
in healthy ways it gets manifested into something
in our outer world of form: either physical body, relationships,
work, etc: so in a sense it forms into something
that gets your attention and says: "Look at me,
Pay attention to me! Feel me, let me say
what I want to say to you".

The key is being aware enough to notice these things.
Of course my first instincts in the past have been to blame, complain or disregard,
but if it was loud enough (and things usually are now, LOL)
it persists enough that I finally say to it:
"Ok, ok, what do you want to tell me! "
This is when I go within my heart, meditate, ask to be
shown, forgive myself and others and surrender to
the Love of Divine Love within me and all around me.

The answer then comes, at least for me as:
a song in my head, a few words, a long message,
a feeling, words that I remember someone said, a mantra,
an emotional release followed by comfort and warmth within
my heart area and/or solar plexus or other area, a vision,
sometimes I receive a message within my outer reality as
I get a strong urge or magnetically drawn to a book that
I open and my eyes go to a specific word, sentence or paragraph;
a song will come on in the background or on the radio, someone will
be talking about something that will penetrate my heart and resonate with me,
someone will bring me( one of my beloved daughters) certain specific objects or numbers that
they randomly punched in to the telephone that mean something to me, or I will see
a heart or another symbol in the snow at random; sometimes I draw and not think
about what I am drawing and let my hand just go and when its done
I realize its something meaningful towards me answer.
Other times I dream about it, or right before I wake up I receive a message.

I hope this helps, I have highlighted most of the ways that I receive Divine
answers, messages and inspirations.

I know you know most of them, but hopefully this will inspire you to
continue looking out for them in your daily life!

Blessings of Sweet Surrender!

Alex :)

PS Remember this is my own unique way (or ways since according to my Human Design I am gifted with unlimited
possibilities of experiencing psychic energies) yours according to your Human Design might be consistently your own way :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

We must become as the butterfly...

Learning from the beautiful butterfly can be such a profound mystical experience :)

It starts its life in an earthbound form, that crawls on its belly going from leaf to leaf.
Eating as many leaves in its path as it can, never satiating or caring what the consequences of its actions might be causing. For those in Northeastern PA know the detrimental consequences of the gypsy moth caterpillar and its voracious appetite: winter-like bare trees in the mid-summer :( Not to mention the a tree can only survive about 3 yrs without its leaves before it starts to die.
Then the little caterpillar goes into its cocoon, where it undergoes an amazing metamorphosis. Once the time is right, the new creature starts to emerge from its cocoon. Patience seems to be its constant companion, even from the start. As it wriggles out, which could take several hours, it then applies a healthy dose of patience as it waits for its new wings to dry. As fluid from its abdomen moves to fill its new wings, the butterfly starts testing its new wings by fluttering a bit.
Finally, when the transformation is complete it spontaneously flies off, into the freedom of the air, no longer earthbound :) It finds and lands on a gorgeous flower, who is the plant kingdom's most radiant high frequency expression. It takes a sip of the flower's nectar, which also is incredibly high frequency too! Then it flutters away in pure ecstasy and completely recharged as it goes on to find more.
Yet, this change even in its food-type is monumental, before it was eating leaves, a lower frequency food, not caring for the consequences of its' insatiable hunger. Now, it is not only eating probably the highest frequency food for an insect, but it has a symbiotic relationship with nature. In that the flower makes more nectar, which brings more scent or pheromones within it to attract more beneficial insects that help that plant or tree proliferate :)

We must become as the butterfly and surrender to the transformation that will aid us in leaving our earthbound state. Transforming from having insatiable hunger for lower frequency desires and being emotionally cut off from each other and the consequences which those fulfilled desires bring to our planet. Following the butterfly into the air in a graceful symbiotic dance with the enlightenment of plants: flowers ( Eckhart Tolle has called flowers the enlightenment of plants). Taking to the air, symbolizes our Rebirth into new bodies of Light and Love, that were nurtured within the cocoon of our heart-centered daily practice and eventually fully living :) In this new plane we are nourished with higher frequencies and form a balanced healthy symbiotic relationship with our beloved Mother Earth that is founded in understanding, compassion, love and reverence for her and ourselves.