Thursday, February 21, 2013

Hathor Teaching on Balance and Higher Consciousness

Today, I ran across a quote from the teachings of the Hathors that helped re-align me to Self-Love in all things and in all experiences, especially when seeking balance within. For it is truly when we Love ourselves with an unconditional Love that we can then move into Graceful integration of our Shadow aspects and be in blessed balance :)
I hope it blesses you as much as it has blessed me :)
Blessings of Unconditional Love and Joy!

The higher you go in consciousness the deeper you must delve to remain in balance. If you go too high in consciousness without balancing your hidden depths, including your own consciousness, then you are unbalanced and potentially dangerous. Why? Because then you are acting without awareness of the crucial parts of yourself that are in your own underworld – those aspects that are not evolved, such as your anger, your hatred, your jealousy, your rage, your fantasies, even your death wishes.  These things that you try to keep out of awareness are part of your human nature, and your task as a human being is to integrate and to heal all levels of your experience in this dimension.
- The Hathor Material, by Tom Kenyon”

Friday, February 15, 2013

It has been sweetly quiet on this blog and it is equally as sweet to break the silence with such a sigh of relief, which the following article evoked from me and maybe you too :)

If you are like me and have an Open Spleen within your Human Design Body Graph (Go to my website to request your Free Human Design Body Graph Chart at, you know how challenging it is to let things go!  Just in case you didn't know, I homeschool my children in a Waldorf-inspired, as well as intuitive way. This article explains so well the journey we have faced this year, yielding finally to allowing the children lead the way and bringing in some of the age-appropriate activities to add to the lessons :)

I hope this is a blessing for you, as much as it is for me!

Blessings of Peace!

Alex :)

Learning to Let Go

By Sara Baldwin

While my two boys, Harper and Will, spent most of their schooling years in a Waldorf school, we spent two years homeschooling. I am a trained Waldorf teacher and prior to this I had been teaching at the Waldorf school that my boys attended.
I spent years in graduate school studying education and had many years of teaching experience, but I learned more about how children learn during those two years than I did from all my teacher training and the plethora of books I’d read on the subject.

The Challenge

Being devoted to Waldorf education, I was determined to give my children a true Waldorf experience at home, so when we started, I did what I knew. I created a mini-Waldorf school at home, complete with lazured walls, wooden desks, and a large blackboard. It was beautiful!

Since I had also agreed to homeschool my niece, I was committed to offering the curriculum to three different grades, as it would be taught in a Waldorf school.
During the first couple of months, I would routinely stay up until midnight, sometimes later, preparing three different lesson plans and drawings that I would expect my students to copy into their “main lesson books” the next day. I had a curriculum and a daily schedule and I was determined to stick to it.
Our first day was a success!
We got through the first month. But as the weather grew cooler, I was getting a little stressed and sleep-deprived. I noticed that my students seemed to be growing restless and resistant to my lessons.
By Christmas I was ready to have a nervous breakdown.

Letting Go

I knew that in order to preserve my sanity, something had to change. I was going to have to relax and let go of my preconceived notions of what the children needed to learn and when. We started planning more field trips, which were a welcome change of pace.
We attended a talk with a naturalist about eagles and owls. The presenter informed us about how many eagles have returned to our home state of Maine, and told us that if we made a point to look up in the sky, we would likely see them.
It was true! In the coming week we spotted three bald eagles, one of which dramatically swooped down to capture a snake from the ground. This sparked an interest in birds of prey. Now “Birds of Prey” was not one of my lesson plans, but we went to the library to get books about owls and eagles.
Then I turned our newfound interest into Waldorf-inspired activities. We drew pictures of owls and eagles with colored pencils in our main lesson books; we memorized a poem about owls; we learned a Native American song about the eagle and played it on our recorders; and we wrote essays about owls and eagles and copied them in our main lesson books.
Our learning became more inspired by the children’s interests, and our days became much lighter and joy-filled.

My A-ha Moment

Then it dawned on me that the prescribed Waldorf curriculum was designed as an institutional model. The curriculum, which Rudolf Steiner brilliantly devised to meet children’s needs at each stage of their development, was intended for a class of 25 or more students of the same age.
It would not be practical for a teacher to create individual lesson plans to meet the interests of 25 different students, but at home we had that freedom. I began to discover that we learn best when learning comes out of our own curiosity; when we feel the desire to know more about something.
After our “Birds of Prey” block, our further studies were inspired by other field trips and from books we read. In choosing books, I looked to the Waldorf curriculum: fairy tales for my first grade niece; Native American stories and fables for my second grader; and stories of the Middle Ages for my sixth grader.
Naturally, a child may never have a burning desire to learn all about long division or solving equations, so we spent a little time every day working on math skills. We worked with Singapore Math and Harold Jacobs’s excellent textbook Elementary Algebra, which really made algebra (never my favorite subject) fun. Harper and I problem-solved together and checked our answers against one another.

Back to School

After two years of learning together, there was an unexpected need for an early childhood teacher back at the Waldorf school. While I loved the time we spent homeschooling and was reluctant to give up the freedoms we enjoyed, I felt called back to the work that I often feel I was born to do, and the boys looked forward to rejoining their friends and the social life of the school.
Upon their return, I worried that their teachers might find them to be “behind,” not having followed precisely the curriculum their classmates had. To the contrary, their skills were at or above those of their classmates, but most importantly, their teachers noticed how enthusiastic they were about learning.
When Harper’s teacher shared that his newfound enthusiasm for math and science was having a positive affect on the rest of the class, he gave all the credit to homeschooling.
“Before we homeschooled,” he said, “I never knew that math and science could be fun!”

Below is the link where I found this article:

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Story for Generators and Manifesting Generators

This story is a wonderful depiction of how life is for Generators and Manifesting Generators as they learn to follow their Sacral Response, it was told by my teacher of Human Design Karen Curry :)  In Joy!

Once upon a time there was a woman who wanted to cross a wide and rapid stream. The stream was too wide, too deep, and too rapid for her to safely wade across. As the woman stood by the stream she could look across and see the exact point where she thought she wanted to go. She paced back and forth across the banks of the stream, frustrated and confused about how to get to the other side.
As she stood alone at the edge of the stream, a gentle voice spoke to her and told her to look at the water. Before her very eyes, a beautiful large round, smooth river rock appeared in the water, just the right distance away for her to step on safely from the bank of the creek.
The woman immediately stepped onto the rock ready to keep on leaping to the other side. As the woman stood on the rock waiting, she began to feel frustrated again. Again, she could see the other side of the creek and where she wanted to go but she just could not get there. Now she was really frustrated and she began to jump up and down on her rock.
Again, a gentle voice reminded her to look down at the water. As she looked down, another beautiful, stable rock appeared just a little ways away from the rock she was standing on. The woman hopped gracefully to the next rock, this time a little bemused at the whole process.
This process repeated itself over and over again. And each time as the woman stepped onto a new rock, she began to trust that another rock would appear. She just had to wait for the right one. Slowly, she made her way across the stream, rock by rock, until she arrived at her destination. By the time she got to the other side, she knew that wherever her life took her, opportunities to go further would always present themselves.
Your life is like the stream. Stand on the edge, see where you want to go and wait for the rocks to show up. When an opportunity to further your crossing appears, respond with your sacral and see whether this is really the rock you want to step onto.
You may find that your path of rocks takes you to a different part of the stream than you originally intended. You may find that once you get out in the middle of the stream that the side you started out on is better than where you are going. You may find that Life will bring you the perfect rocks to lead you to the path of your greatest Heart's desires.
Follow the rocks and TRUST that they will always appear when you are ready!
Karen Curry

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Young Thai Coconut Myth explored

For those of us that love our Young Thai Coconuts alone and in our Raw creations this article is for you :)
There has been a rumor that has spread far and wide about Young Thai Coconuts being dipped in Formaldehyde to preserve them. The only option seemed to be to buy the organic kind, which decide for yourself if it is financially feasible at almost $10/coconut without the milk!

I found an article that sited they had samples of coconut taken to an independent lab for formaldehyde testing and found them to be negative, no formaldehyde!

Below you will find the link. This is something that one should take up in prayer and meditation fully using discernment.

Blessings of Light!

Alex :)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Messages from Weston

Today as I awoke and did my morning meditation and prayer practice, Spirit brought to my mind Weston. Weston is one of those beautiful beings of Love in the body of a boy, whose chosen form of communication is telepathy. He works telepathically with Meg Lupin, a dynamic healer.

Weston was featured in Dr. Meg Blackburn's books: Children of Now and Conversations with the Children of Now.
Dr. Meg's Website:

I receive Weston's weekly newsletters, which have a message from Weston among other news. I love synchonisities in life and this newsletter is one of them for me :)

The following part is awesome and is one I would echo for all those in my heartsphere of influence with deepest Love and Honor for what we all came here to do together!

You have been brought here at this time to move mountains! Accept the challenge and move into a place of acceptance of this task. Look for your mission and let it serve you well. The bigger picture includes all of us together as one. Work within community to gather the strength to open eyes and let your love and light shine.

It really feels like we are moving mountains or that our opportunities/challenges are asking us to move mountains. It is time to really see who we truly are and roll up our sleeves and get to work (ofcourse this is my generator perspective, if you are a projector then roll up your sleeves and start directing and managing lol :) )

Let's do it together!

Blessings of Conscious Community and Oneness!

Alex :)

Below is Weston's website and Message for your enLightenment and Joy!

Message from Weston

“Voiced” by Meg Lupin

You have reached a time in your life where you need to start looking beyond what is in front of you. The information that is coming is only a very small part of the story. If you look at things with love and compassion, it will serve you in a much better way. You will see the truth, not the cold hard facts.

You have been brought here at this time to move mountains! Accept the challenge and move into a place of acceptance of this task. Look for your mission and let it serve you well. The bigger picture includes all of us together as one. Work within community to gather the strength to open eyes and let your love and light shine. Everyone can use more love. I hope you can feel mine right now!!!!

Spread your loving thoughts and ideas,


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Amplifying Love in a Group Setting: Essential Guidelines for a Conscious Gathering :)

Recently I was led to an article about sending love and amplifying love in a group setting. This was a pleasant surprise, because I remember consciously doing this more in my college years whenever a fellow student or speaker that I liked was giving a presentation.

I would send them Love and send to them the words and energy of "You can do it! or You are Loved."

One can do it as a beautiful form of loving Service and send Love to all whom they come in contact with.

A suggestion to those that work with groups would be to apply it during the facilitating of the group and share with the members to do the same. That way everybody is sending love to everyone and it is just intensely amplifying!!
How awesome would that be if you found yourself in one of these groups and
just received a bath in Love to use however you need it?
And felt supported, uplifted, encouraged, inspired, joyful and loved???

Here are the steps:

1. Get Heart-Centered. Feel the Love inside and/or remember a time when you felt pure love or really loved by someone or a pet. (This part comes from Janiece, Micheal and Tristan Boardway...Thank you guys we Love you!! Here is where you can find them and the beautiful work they are doing :
Expand that Love out through the rest of your body and All that you are.

2. Namaste. Honor the God/Light/Divine Spark within them.

3. Radiate Love to them. May add the words "I love you and/or You can Do it" or whatever resonates with you for that person.

Make sure to share this with all people that you interact with and all groups you interact with :) Let's have the whole planet buzzing with AMPLIFIED LOVE!!!

Here is a link of the article that I was led to:

Friday, March 4, 2011

Yogurt Recipe

Thank you for asking for this, Chantele!

May it bless all in the highest and best way for the highest and best good of ALL!

We follow this simple method for creating yogurt for our family. We use raw milk and we started with yogurt that was being sold at a local natural food store.

Yogurt Recipe

1 Gallon of Raw Milk (or less according to your needs)
1 cup of Yogurt with as many beneficial cultures as possible. (look for labels that say "live culture".

1) Pour your milk in a large pot, we choose to use one large enough for a whole gallon because we eat the yogurt as well as add it to smoothies.

2) Put the milk on medium-low and warm until about 110° F. To do this, you need to take it off the stove at about 100° F. It is okay if the temperature gets a bit higher, you will simply have less than raw yogurt :)

3)This next step you have to play it by ear and wait for the yogurt to go down in temperature until you can put your finger in it for 10 sec and you can tolerate it.

4) Take 3 cups of the milk into a separate bowl and thoroughly mix about a cup of the yogurt in until the yogurt is incorporated. The mixture can be added back to the rest of the milk and stir. It is best to use a wooden spoon for these steps.

5) Cover the pot with a damp fluffy towel and incubate for 6-8 hrs. (see below for some incubation options). After this time, check to see how it is going by gently tipping the pot to see if any milk runs out. If so, let it go for more time. If it has thickened, place in the refrigerator.

Incubation Methods:
1) Use a commercial yogurt maker.

2) I have heard some put the yogurt in their oven with the light on (the light helps keep the correct temp). I cannot have the light on in my oven without keeping the door open (which lets the heat out), so this method does not work for me.

3) Cooler/water method: Use a small cooler with the lid removed, a larger cooler that will hold a quart jar, or a large pot (6 qt.). Place the cooler or pot in a place where it will be undisturbed. Place the jar with the yogurt milk in the cooler. Now fill the cooler with water that is 120°. Place a couple of fluffy towels over the cooler or pot and leave it undisturbed for about 6-8 hours. To check and see if the yogurt is done, tip the jar slightly and see if the milk flows or stays put. Remember that the yogurt will thicken even more as it cools in the fridge. If you see clear whey when you tilt the jar, the yogurt is as done as it's going to get, but you don't necessarily have to see the whey for the yogurt to be done. (have I confused you yet?)

4) Cooler/heating pad method (I figured this out one day and it works really well): Use a larger cooler. Place the cooler in a place where it will be undisturbed. Place the jar with the yogurt milk in the cooler. Place a heating pad over the jar (loosely). Set the pad on high (my pad needs to be set on high, yours may differ) and place the lid on the cooler. Leave it undisturbed for about 6-8 hours. Please note, that since all heating pads are different, yours may not be best set on high. The first time you use this method, put a thermometer in the cooler to see what the pad is heating the inside of the cooler up to. You want it to be at least 110 degrees and not more than 120

5) If your stove has a Warming area, keep the pot here on the low setting.