Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Ice cream and Mothering Support

Yesterday, we treated the girls for some ice cream.
When we were in line, there was a young mother with a lil' babe and a 3.5 yr old girl.
She was flustered and had her hands full, my heart just went out to her, because I remember those days when Elise was only just a lil over 2 and Mckenna was first born. Those days Ryan worked so much and I often found myself alone with my 2 blessings :)
The baby in front of us was crying in the stroller and the mom was trying to order her food and ice cream. I automatically gave her a supportive look and smile and suggested that the baby needed to be picked up.
In the meantime, a chocolate icecream on a cone was handed to her and she handed it to her 3.5 yr old daughter, who started licking it from one side only, of course.

I just wanted to pick up the baby pay for her ice cream and have her sit down and enjoy her babies. But sometimes you don't know people and they might feel weird about that, so I just offered some supporting remark about the challanging adventure having a new baby and 3 yr old is :) Of course, I know about "those" adventures bc Christina is 3.5yrs old and Alana is 10 months now.
She shared that her daughter does not know how to behave around the baby and is often jealous and angry and treats it like a doll. I just shared that it is often helpful to talk to our children illuminating their importance as the "BIG SISTER OR BROTHER" and how their example to them is super important bc the baby will follow and copy their example.

Another good tip is to give them perks for being the "Big SISTER OR BROTHER" like being able to:
-stay up later
-watch tv
-eat Big Girl or Boy food
-eat Desserts
This will swell up their self esteem and see what a pleasure and priveledge it is to be the Big Sister and take it very seriously without ever becoming jealous or angry at the new sibling.

Back to my story: She finally pulled him out of the stroller and held him as she tried to pay. At that point, we saw that he was bleeding inside his mouth.
As we brought this to her attention, we gently suggested that he want to nurse.

Later, as we were sitting down and enjoying our icecream, she came up to me and thanked me for the support, especially for suggesting to carry the baby and nurse him. She said everybody she knows is anti-spoiling and carrying and all about letting babies cry it out.
She continued to confess that she sleeps with the new baby in one bedroom and her husband sleeps with their daughter in another room and said that she can't tell that to anyone she knows.

She went on to ask me how I help my children understand what I am talking about. I explained about Human Design and how I use it to specifically know each of my children down to their talents, emotional qualities, human tendencies and what they are here to be and do. I elaborated on how knowing my children so well helps me tweek my conversations with them and helps me create a unique parenting method for them that helps them excel and fully accept who they are here to be :)

I told her about Holistic Moms Network and what a great network and resource that has become in my life!
I boldy shared with her my belief that soon this "alternative, green, attachment parenting or what my husband and I coined as "Conscious Gatherings" will become the mainstream and right now she can check out groups like HMN, CSA's and Children's Gardens and find people like her!
Because truly it is about following your intuition and the highest truth will reveal itself and we know truth when we experience it!