Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Got YeYe?

Most mom's and their children give a love nickname to their breastmilk. Ours was YeYe!
I love nursing! Isn't it a miracle that within women's breast blood turns to the perfect food for our children?
And it's even delightfully sweet! I believe it is not just an act of Love, when a mami nurses her baby, but that she is physically feeding Love to her baby :) Just thinking about it makes me get all nostalgic and I feel the Love within my own breasts stir.

Here is 12 tips on how to increase your breast milk supply :)
Understand it is best to combine several of these factors,
better yet try them all at the same time.

  1. Goat's Rue Herb works wonders! My friend last year from homeschooling co-op had her 4th child, but was having major issues with her breastmilk drying up. She tried everything with mediocre results, but the Goat's Rue Herb worked really!
  2. Make sure you are staying well-hydrated- this alone I have noticed will increase or decrease my milk supply
  3. Make sure you are eating enough calories from foods that are good for you, not just empty ones. Eat your greens, I prefer them in a raw powdered form that I add to water (but you can add it to freshly squeezed juice) in the morning :)
  4. Oatmeal does work. Try to eat it at breakfast and if you are hungry after supper
  5. Raw milk (preferably from cows that are100% pastured, raw butter, raw cream, raw cheeses, yogurt made from raw milk especially kefir (in Mexico my mom used to call them 'burgaros' I might be able to get some fresh and send them over, let me know if you want them) made from raw milk also works! If you can't get raw milk, then you might be able to get raw hard cheeses.
  6. Extra Virgin Raw Coconut Oil work up to 1 + TBsp per day. Start at 1/8th because it also helps you get rid of Candida, so it may make you a bit nauseous if you eat too much too soon.
  7. Make sure you are not too stressed or overworked or overtired as that will make your supply diminish, so the old-age advice of "resting when baby rests" is true, although not always possible :)
  8. Mother's milk tea they sell at the health food store helps. Fennel Tea also helps (which is in Mother's milk tea)
  9. Omega 3's in Flax seeds and oil, hemp seeds and oil, chia seeds and walnuts helps get that mama's milk yummy and abundant!
  10. Eat more soaked grains or grain milks and nut milks: I have some red hard wheat (but you can do it with any almost any grain and nut) that I soak overnight in water, drain, blend and then pass through a cheese cloth to get the milk - good for baby too around 9+months :) I also take some wheat and simmer overnight covered in enough water to make a delicious morning breakfast with milk and raw honey.
  11. Sardines, yes sardines :) They are one of the lowest contaminated fishes and if you get the ones with the bones in them you are receiving great calcium, iron and protein, plus Omega 3's!
  12. Breath deeply, mentally let go of the day, consciously relax your whole body and concentrate on envisioning the ducts in your breast open, see and feel the release of the love (milk)inside. Lightly caress, from your shoulder down with your fingertips. By doing this, I used to be able to consciously have a milk let down several times during a feeding, when the girls were infants :)

Have you ever experienced 'being in the Flow'?

If you are anything like me, you have searched far and wide for different healing modalities, empowering techniques and virtually almost anything that will help you align deeper with your True Self. In 2007, my search came to an end (well at least for a long long time because I am a seeker of truth and that never ends!). What I discovered, peeled away all of the layers of conditioning to reveal my inner precious True Self, I always felt within. From that point on, my True Self was freed and I continue to align with it deeper and deeper everyday :)
Relief, confirmation, answers to deep-seated questions, solutions to everyday challenges are just some of the many blessings I have received from knowing and living my Human Design.

What is Human Design?
Human Design is one of the most accurate, cutting-edge, self-empowerment tools revealed to mankind! It is the synthesis of ancient sacred esoteric wisdom: Chinese I-Ching, Hindu Chakra System, Jewish Kabalah and Eastern and Western Astrology, with modern sciences: Genetics and Quantum Physics!
Human Design was revealed to Ra Uru Hu in 1987 at Ibiza, Spain. According to your birth information a unique and striking Human Design Mandala can be generated. From this Human Design Mandala, a trained specialist can analyse and synthesize all the information held within to reveal and free your magnificent True Self!

The Value of A Human Design Synthesis
After learning what is HD, the next question people ask is 'how can it benefit me?". The answer is simple: it will transform your life and give you the tools to shift away from painful habits to deeply understanding who you are and living a more conscious and awake life that becomes a portal for love, joy and Light. As you become more enLightened with knowing who you are, this "understanding" naturally flows over your relationships, your career, your spirituality and all other aspects of your life. You realize that "it is not personal" and all of the sudden, you start becoming less angry, less frustrated and much less disappointed with yourself, others and life. These lower vibrations are replaced with higher and expanding vibrations of forgiveness and love fostered by understanding our's and other's Human Design.

Yet, it doesn't stop there, as you continue to live out more deeply your Human Design, the magnificense of who you are pours out of you effortlessly. The Law of Attraction is now amped up in your life to attract with grace and ease what is most correct, joyful and expanding for you. It is also in full alignment with your life purpose :) . Sincronicity becomes a light field you are constantly bathed in and not some sporadic event in your life. You start experiencing what we as a culture have defined when miracles are constantly happening: Being in the FLOW!

Can't seem to stay in the Flow?

Then, I invite you to receive a Human Design Synthesis and experience Being in the Flow like never before :)

Blessings of Being in the Flow!!

Alex :)

PS Click on this link to explore how you can choose to stay in the Flow
by selecting the Human Design Synthesis that is right for you!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

"Meeting" Your Human Design!! HUGE STEP!!

There is something amazing that happens when you first "meet" your Human Design. I liken your Human Design to software that was made specifically for you, and you to a Computer. When you first meet your Human Design, the software gets inputed and activates your computer!
Before meeting your Human Design, you may have been experiencing life with software that was not "yours" per say, it may have been your parent's, your family's, your peer's or just from what you've been told or conditioned to be, do and say!
So when you meet your Human Design, your life may go through something like a "reboot", which is a period of time where life decisions that you have entered in, that were not according to your type and strategy, start falling away or clearing from your life.
Then, your life starts re-arranging itself according to your Strategy. 'Divine Timing' begins to occur more often than before. Finally, you experience your Human Design unfolding beautifully and magnificently everyday and you start an era of authentic prosperous living according to your Human Design! You find yourself effortlessly being in this sacred flow of co-creation with Life and experiencing 'Divine Timing' consistently.

I invite you to begin on this awesome journey of self-empowerment and take your first step by Requesting a Free Human Design Mandala from my website:

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Invitation: Awaken Fair Sun. Nov. 21 at the Double Tree Tarrytown Hotel

I invite you to Join us at AWAKEN FAIR!

When: Sun. Nov. 21 from 10 am to 5pm
Where: Double Tree Tarrytown Hotel

Click the link below to learn more and buy discounted tickets in advance!

Alex :) will be generating Free Personal Human Design Mandalas and giving 20 min Human Design Analysis for Only $22, Reg.$34.95!

Hope to see you there!


Perfect Projector and Generator Quote!

Believe it is possible to solve your problem. Tremendous things happen to the believer. So believe the answer will come. It will.
- Norman Vincent Peale

I receive daily inspirational quotes and this just happened to be today's.
It reminded me of Projectors and Generators(including Manifesting Generators) because they are the 2 types that have to wait for something to show up in their outer reality to either recognize them and invite them or respond to either overtime or in the moment, depending if you have a defined Solar Plexus or not.

Both of these Types, must always WAIT and Believe or Know that the Opportunity is coming and Will Show UP!
I think the tendency is to act or go out and make something happen, because especially for the Projector, the waiting for the invitation can take sometimes years! Yet, if we can Trust and Believe, like the quote says "...believe the answer will come. it will!" It always does!

I have a great example from my own life to illustrate that the waiting does bring fruits according to your strategy.
Some time ago, we had an issue with our mortgage: because of unforeseen circumstances, we were coming up short. I had only 2 options: 1 Freak out! lol and desperately try to make something happen
or 2. Get clear on my intent and what I needed and wait for something to show up in my outer reality according to my strategy and then let my sacral do the deciding.

Well it just so happened that as soon as I made that decision and just went on with my day, the phone rang a few minutes later :)
It was my mother-in law, which was pretty strange because she usually doesn't call until later since she knows we are trying to get Elise out to Waldorf. So she says hello and that she is sorry that she called now since she knows we are trying to get Elise to Waldorf. I let her know that Elise is already at Waldorf and then she said she had only 2 things to ask me, which one of them just happened to be "How are you guys with your mortgage" she knew that we had been saving up for it and that it was due. I informed her where we were and she in a very honorable and dignified way helped us out that month. We are super blessed with a wonderful family, many blessings to them!

Everything in my experience I just shared with you happened according to strategy! The message:
Live your Strategy and Trust that the answer will come!

Blessings of Gratitude, Love and Living your Strategy

Alex :)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Health Tip: Chaga, Chaga!!

No, its not the monkey-humanoid in the movie with Will Ferrell, Land of the Lost!
It's a Mushroom that may be found, though it is rare, in the forests of North America.
It seems like it is the latest and greatest against cancer an a plethora of other diseases and ailments! I have not used it myself, but many people swear by it.
I really like the approach this article takes as per harvesting only what you need, that way you sustainably harvest it for the good of all.


Monday, October 25, 2010

Spirit, Mind and Body Fair in Hazleton, PA on Nov 13 and 14th!

Alex will be Debuting "The Awakening": 20 min Intro Human Design Mini-Readings
at a Special Fair Price of $22, normally $34.98!

Audio Recording mp3 Download Included with Reading!
Follow along with your FREE CHART :)

We invite you to join us for the SPIRIT, MIND and BODY FAIR :)

DATE: Nov. 13 & 14

LOCATION: Comfort Inn, Route 93 West Hazleton, PA

WHEN: 10 am to 6 pm both days

For more info email:


A Call To Heal - Human Design Readings

National Psychics - Aura Images

Holistic Services - Massage & Reiki

All New Age Accessories & More

Jewelry, Candles, Herbals, Books

Regular & Henna Tattoos

Tricky Trays & Crafters.



J & J Jewels

Andy's Candles

Magikal Elements

Pagan's Botanica & Gifts

Aura Images - Paula Cross

Reiki & Gemstones by Sue Yarnes

Angel Card Readings by RoseAnne

Ann Drago - Empathic Angel Cards

Louise Fontaine - Spirit Led Palm Readings

Eleni French - Shamantic Healing/ Readings

Verity (Grandmother Peg) - Intuitive Readings

Stephen Platko - Magnified Healing & Psychic Surgery

Dave's Original Tattoos - Inside Death Row Motorcycles (Drums, PA)

Karen Franklin - Massage That Rocks (Seriously Reiki & Rock Massage

Benefits URS


Hope to see you there!!

Blessings of Inner Light...

Alex :)

My Marriage is SAVED DAILY by Knowing and Understanding our Human Designs!

Ok, that Might have been a really long title, but with the Divorce Rate in America being over 50%, according to Enrichment Journal, I am so glad I know my hubby's Human Design!! Just today he comes into our bedroom, lies down next to me and asks me for my daily goals. I proceed to start showing him what I am working on the laptop and he starts fidgeting and feeling uneasy. Finally, he says "I can't stand being around you right now, because you make my head get all weird and I am getting all these crazy stuff in my head, so I gotta go."
Now, correct me if I am wrong, but any respectable wife would have definitely let him have it!
You want to know what happened?
I answered, " Ok honey, bye, I Love You!"
You want to know why I felt no pain, no rejection or confusion?
Because I know that my dear hubby typically gets under pressure in his Head to figure things out and he gets under tremendous pressure to work for resources when he is around me! So, because he had already been focused on working for resources before he came in, when he came into my Aura, "SMACK","BUZZ", the energy just smacked him and his Sacral, or Work-Force Energy Center, took in all of my Sacral Energy to work in a Mutative Evolving Way
I can tell you from experience that Sacral Energy feels like a "Buzz" :)
For those of you who's Human Design Type is a Generator, you know exactly what I mean!

This was just one brief example of the enormous amount of examples that have happened and keep happening daily!
Having 4 beautiful girls all under age 8, makes it imperative that our marriage is always Hot and Steamy ;) (Well at least in HARMONY, LOL!)

Here is to knowing your Partners Human Design and Not Taking It Personal!

Blessings of Sunshine...


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Dear God! Morning Prayer, Visualization and Affirmation : PRAISE TO THE AUTHENTIC SELF!!

First of all today, I'll like to Thank the God Within me and the Great Spirit of Divine Intelligence and Love that permeates all things and gives it Life Force! Thank You for the Experience of the adventure that is my life! Thank you for my family, my dearest husband who is so responsible he can't relax and be happy and my dearest children who help me here on earth so much! EMCA!
I am grateful for Human Design and all the clarity, understanding and balance and potential of greatness it adds to my life! I surrender my Life to my Life Mission and Purpose and ask for Divine Intercession to bestow unto us the prosperity in finances to support our sharing our Life Mission with our family, our children and the community at large.

I thank my worthy self for accepting and receiving fully the blessings of this great Inheritance and Praise it for what it is the Highest and Best for All involved!

I am Open to the Highest and Best Guidance Now for the next step or the next thing to respond to, for bringing our world closer to a world of Sustainable Peace a Conscious Gathering of a People all over the world, living....breathing....sustainable peace in and through their hearts. Let it Be!! So Be IT!! SO IT IS!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Ice cream and Mothering Support

Yesterday, we treated the girls for some ice cream.
When we were in line, there was a young mother with a lil' babe and a 3.5 yr old girl.
She was flustered and had her hands full, my heart just went out to her, because I remember those days when Elise was only just a lil over 2 and Mckenna was first born. Those days Ryan worked so much and I often found myself alone with my 2 blessings :)
The baby in front of us was crying in the stroller and the mom was trying to order her food and ice cream. I automatically gave her a supportive look and smile and suggested that the baby needed to be picked up.
In the meantime, a chocolate icecream on a cone was handed to her and she handed it to her 3.5 yr old daughter, who started licking it from one side only, of course.

I just wanted to pick up the baby pay for her ice cream and have her sit down and enjoy her babies. But sometimes you don't know people and they might feel weird about that, so I just offered some supporting remark about the challanging adventure having a new baby and 3 yr old is :) Of course, I know about "those" adventures bc Christina is 3.5yrs old and Alana is 10 months now.
She shared that her daughter does not know how to behave around the baby and is often jealous and angry and treats it like a doll. I just shared that it is often helpful to talk to our children illuminating their importance as the "BIG SISTER OR BROTHER" and how their example to them is super important bc the baby will follow and copy their example.

Another good tip is to give them perks for being the "Big SISTER OR BROTHER" like being able to:
-stay up later
-watch tv
-eat Big Girl or Boy food
-eat Desserts
This will swell up their self esteem and see what a pleasure and priveledge it is to be the Big Sister and take it very seriously without ever becoming jealous or angry at the new sibling.

Back to my story: She finally pulled him out of the stroller and held him as she tried to pay. At that point, we saw that he was bleeding inside his mouth.
As we brought this to her attention, we gently suggested that he want to nurse.

Later, as we were sitting down and enjoying our icecream, she came up to me and thanked me for the support, especially for suggesting to carry the baby and nurse him. She said everybody she knows is anti-spoiling and carrying and all about letting babies cry it out.
She continued to confess that she sleeps with the new baby in one bedroom and her husband sleeps with their daughter in another room and said that she can't tell that to anyone she knows.

She went on to ask me how I help my children understand what I am talking about. I explained about Human Design and how I use it to specifically know each of my children down to their talents, emotional qualities, human tendencies and what they are here to be and do. I elaborated on how knowing my children so well helps me tweek my conversations with them and helps me create a unique parenting method for them that helps them excel and fully accept who they are here to be :)

I told her about Holistic Moms Network and what a great network and resource that has become in my life!
I boldy shared with her my belief that soon this "alternative, green, attachment parenting or what my husband and I coined as "Conscious Gatherings" will become the mainstream and right now she can check out groups like HMN, CSA's and Children's Gardens and find people like her!
Because truly it is about following your intuition and the highest truth will reveal itself and we know truth when we experience it!

Monday, April 5, 2010

What is Human Design?

I am often asked the question: What is Human Design?
As I browsed the web today I found the best answer yet.
This article was written by Richard Rudd, someone who I admire a great deal, especially for his way with words: poetic yet simple to understand.
It was published in Kindred Spirit Magazine.
Sit back and Enjoy the Journey!
Blessings of Awakening!

Alex :)


Journeying deep into our individual genetics, The Human Design System claims to show how every one of us has a unique design and a specific purpose to fulfill on this planet. In a most simple and graceful way, it gently nudges us away from the bustle of our everyday lives and reminds each of us why we came here in the first place. Some of the Kindred Spirit team have had individual readings and have found the information both fascinating and useful.
Here Human Design analyst Richard Rudd introduces The Human Design System in the first half of a two-part article.

Every once in a while, a human being uncovers a paragon, something that captures the quintessence of the beauty and mystery of the universe surrounding us; Mozart’s symphonies for instance, or Einstein’s equations.The Human Design System is such a paragon. By unravelling the mysteries hidden within one’s own genetic code, it shows how our very thoughts, feelings and longings are all part of a beautifully orchestrated pattern. To recognise this pattern clearly in your own life is to celebrate your uniqueness without fear. The result is that life can be far easier than we ever imagined possible.
The mystical origins of Human DesignIn 1987 an extraordinary event took place on this planet. For the first time in recorded history it was seen with the naked eye from a mountaintop in Chile. Human beings actually witnessed a supernova. A supernova is the death of a star, a vast explosion of such intensity that it can barely be imagined. According to the source of the Human Design System, that star, now known to scientists as 1987A, bombarded our planet with a deluge of subatomic information with its dying breath.At around the same time on another mountainside, on a Mediterranean island, a man had an experience that shook him to the roots of his being. When he emerged from that experience, which lasted eight days and eight nights, he could barely remember who he was. Even his name had changed and from that moment he became known as Ra Uru Hu.He had become disillusioned with his life as a professor of physics in Canada and sought an escape from the world on Ibiza, where he ended up living as a hermit in a ruined hut. It was here, living wild in the mountains, that Ra received The Human Design System from what he calls ‘The Voice’. This voice gave him immensely detailed and scientific knowledge about the nature of our universe. It even had its own language, referring to human beings as ‘raves’. As a sceptic and a scientist, Ra had no belief in things mystical. In fact, at the time, he didn’t even know his own astrological sign. It is difficult to comprehend exactly what happened to him during those eight days, so in his own words, this is what took place.
‘I was conditioned to believe that science fiction was a genre of literature, that mystical revelation was simply a more antiquated form of the same, and that God, if not dead, was most likely a concept.‘On the evening of January 3, 1987, all that changed. I was “penetrated” by a “Voice”. It was a terrifying experience. My hair literally stood on end. In the shock, a flood of water drained from my scalp.‘The Voice said: “Are you ready to work?” For eight days and nights, I worked, transcribing in detail The Human Design System.’(From the foreword to The Rave I Ching.)
The scienceDespite its mystical origins, Human Design has its roots deeply embedded within the very latest theories in quantum physics. On a sub-atomic level we are all connected like cells within a giant body, that of the universe itself.The Human Design System is founded upon this very premise: that the universe is a living entity, and that we are living in a vast information-feed, consisting of countless minute particles now known to physics as neutrinos. Up until a few years ago, the neutrino itself was half-fictional, in that it was simply a hypothesis. Now science has proved that neutrinos bear mass, and that they pass through us at the rate of about three trillion per square inch. Neutrinos are made in stars, like our sun, and could be seen as the modern day equivalent of what the ancients used to call ‘chi’ or ‘prana’.We live in a dualistic universe. The sun is our ‘yang’, we, the earth are the ‘yin’, and the neutrino is the mercurial intermediary. All life on earth is thus generated and in a sense ‘programmed’ by the sun and, to a lesser extent, the stars. It is also intriguing to think that not only are we humans programmed by the celestial bodies, but we also programme them as well. Remember, the neutrino is not pure energy, but extremely fine matter. Thus, every neutrino that passes through us is changed, and conveys something of who we are out into deep space. Just like the human body, every cell is interdependent upon every other cell and communicates its presence to the whole.
The synthesisThe Human Design System is a pure synthesis of the latest scientific discoveries and the wisdom of the ancients, and like any synthesis, Human Design is far greater than the sum of its parts.On one side we have quantum physics, biochemistry and genetics, and on the other, the four of the great esoteric systems of the world: astrology, the Hindu chakra system, the Judaic Kabbalah and the Chinese I Ching. It is an alchemist’s dream.
Human Design and geneticsOne of the keys to Human Design is the use of the I Ching, the ancient Chinese Book of Changes, evolved more than 5000 years ago. Strangely enough, this ancient system, which charts the cycles and seasons of life, happens to bear an extraordinary similarity to the profile of human DNA – there is an exact correlation between the two disciplines.DNA is made up of two strands of nucleotides, one strand being a perfect reflection of the other. This basic binary is also the foundation of the Yin and Yang of the I Ching. Our genetic code is also made up of four ‘bases’ which are arranged in groups of threes. Each of these chemical groupings relates to an amino acid, and forms what is known as a ‘codon’. There are 64 of these codons in our genetic code.Similarly, in the I Ching there are only four basic permutations of yin and yang, which are also arranged in groups of threes, known as ‘trigrams’. In the same way that the two strands of our DNA reflect each other, each trigram of the I Ching has a partner, and together these create the ‘hexagram’, the basis of the I Ching. Just as there are 64 codons in DNA, there are 64 hexagrams in the I Ching (see Genetic Table right).All human beings share this same basic genetic code, and yet each of us is unique. From the DNA of a single human hair, a forensic scientist can pinpoint its exact owner, out of billions of human beings. In Human Design, the four bases of our genetic code manifest through our chemistry as four basic types of human beings; manifestors, generators, projectors and reflectors. Each type functions very differently, and will be discussed below.
Human design and astrologyHuman Design also relies upon astrological calculation to configure two separate moments of imprinting within the neutrino stream. Many people new to Human Design assume that because of this it is similar to astrology. Nothing could be further from the truth. Although we draw upon the ancient science of astrology in order to arrive at the correlation with our genetics, the similarity ends there. Like astrology, Human Design produces an individual chart (known as a ‘rave chart’), and like astrology this chart is calculated from the time and place of birth. However, astrological data in Human Design leads to exact placement in the body. Through the intermediary of the I Ching, the position of every planet at the time of birth gives us a ‘genetic thumbprint’ left in the neutrino stream.Using The Human Design System, we can examine the nature of the forces that were gathered around us when we were born. It is as though our birth leaves a vapour trail in the ethers. We can then isolate this imprint, and transfer it into a biochemical map of the body, known as a ‘Bodygraph’.
What can we learn from Human Design?So what is all this really about and what do these charts tell us? In a single statement: they remind us of what we already know about ourselves, deep within our hearts. Human Design is in essence a yin teaching. It shows us that human beings are primarily receptive by design. Our prime directive, if we have such a thing, is patience. Buddha used a term known as ‘correct action’, and this is what we manifest when we live our true nature or design. Action that does not come from harmony is desperate action, and usually does more damage than good in the world. Human Design shows us that there is no purer alchemy than simply being yourself.On a deeper level, it is a simple means of harmonising our individual flow within a greater flow. It is about what the ancients called ‘being in harmony with the Tao’.
How does a chart work?When you look into your own Bodygraph, it is as though you are looking at the blueprint of a car. The body is, after all, our vehicle through life. Now, consider how you might feel if you had been driving around in your faithful old car for years and when you took it to a mechanic he told you that all this time you had been driving in first gear?! A Human Design analyst is like the mechanic that shows you how to operate your car, and having shown you, he leaves you the manual so that you can verify the truth for yourself. Human Design is not another therapy. This is not the kind of mechanic that will fix your oil leak for you; rather he will tell you what kind of model you are driving, and how to drive it in such a way that you will never have another oil leak again. To be yourself is to be fundamentally healthy.
What do the colours mean?The first thing you learn from an analysis of your Bodygraph is what is fixed and consistent about your nature. This can be seen wherever there is a centre or a channel in your design that is drawn in colour (see the example of Mozart). In Mozart’s design, the ‘self’ (the yellow diamond-shaped centre) is connected to the sacral centre (the red square) by the ‘channel of rhythm’. This is in turn connected to two further channels, the ‘channel of the archetype’ and the ‘channel of the transmitter’. When you put these three together, you have a man who is here to transmit archetypal rhythms into the world. Wherever you see colour, that represents a part of your nature that is fixed at birth.
The power of conditioningThe magic of Human Design is that it shows us clearly where we usually get stuck in our lives. The nature of our society is that it tends to condition us directly away from our very nature. This conditioning begins the moment we are born. According to our designs, we all fit differently into society.Human Design knowledge is of the greatest benefit to children and parents, since knowing a child’s design means that they can be guided in the direction of their nature, rather than away from it. For most of us as adults, the road back to our true nature is simple, but difficult.
The white centresThe secret of how we are conditioned in life lies in the white centres in our design chart. Wherever you see a centre or channel in your design that is not coloured in (known as an undefined centre), you are looking at something that is deeply attractive to you. The white centres are where we are not fixed; they are what we long for. At the genetic level, we are only interested in what is different from us. Look again at Mozart’s chart. You can see clearly that his throat centre is the only centre that is not drawn in colour. The throat centre is where we express ourselves. What Mozart most longed for in his life was to express his music, but how and when it was expressed was never in his hands. If he had understood this, he might have felt less frustrated in his life. Undefined centres are where we are designed to be conditioned by others.Through understanding the basics of our own design chart, we can see exactly how and where we are conditioned by the forces around us. In this way, we can take advantage of our conditioning, rather than trying to escape it, which is an impossible task. Take the example of someone with an undefined spleen centre. The spleen centre represents our immune system and is one of three awareness centres in humans. It is our spontaneous instinct for survival. If you have an undefined spleen centre (the brown triangular centre at the bottom left) you love to be spontaneous, but there is nothing more dangerous for you than being spontaneous! If those instincts are not a fixed part of your nature, then you cannot rely on them. Some people are designed to live spontaneously, while others are designed to take more time over their decisions.In Human Design, wherever there is a limitation in our design, there is also always a gift. Thus those of us who have to take longer in making up our minds can also gain a deeper understanding into our life process. In the same way, those of us who are more vulnerable and less fixed in our nature are also more sensitive and often have an uncanny ability to ‘read’ the people around us. These undefined white centres in our design are the places where we can ultimately attain wisdom.Knowing and understanding our design protects us from being a victim of our own conditioning. We are all conditioned all the time, whether by the chemistry of those around us or by the ‘neutrino weather’ from the greater cosmic environment in which we live. Science is now increasingly showing us how we are affected deeply, not only by the moon, but also by sunspot activity thousands of miles away.
Human Design readingsAs a Human Design analyst, one of the first things my clients usually hear from me is: ‘Don’t trust me, and don’t believe anything I say.’ The reason for this is that Human Design is an experiential system based on logic, and logic requires repeated testing. You have to see for yourself that it works. It has to get in under your skin and reprogramme every cell in your body with YOU. This takes a full seven years, since that is how long it takes for every cell in our body to be physically renewed. In a Human Design reading you will learn where your inner authority lies; that is, you will see what you can rely upon in your nature to consistently make clear and correct decisions in all areas of your life. You will also see where you are vulnerable to conditioning, whether that be through your mind, your emotions, or even through your very identity.When you receive a personal reading from a Human Design analyst, this often strikes a very deep chord within you. Many things about yourself which you or others might find difficult to accept can then be acknowledged as part of your genetic code. An example might be if you have a gene which demands that you begin new things without ever finishing them. Some of us are designed this way, and as long as we understand this, we can accept it as a unique part of our nature without self-judgement or guilt. There is always someone in the world with the opposite design – the ones who are great at finishing off what others have already begun!
Living your designHearing your design and living your design are two very different things. To live according to your nature takes great courage. For most people who come to Human Design readings, the greatest challenge is patience. You can learn to understand your design intellectually, but there are no workshops in living your design. That can only be learned from life itself.To follow your design, your true nature, is to realise that your life is choreographed by forces that are far beyond the understanding of the mind. When the mysterious ‘voice’ began to explain The Human Design System back in 1987, one of the first things it told us was that the universe itself has not even been born yet. We were only conceived at the big bang. For this reason, there are many things that we still cannot know, since the full splendour of what we are has not yet been revealed. The very most we can do is simply accept the nobility of who we are as individuals, and enjoy being part of a great adventure that goes beyond our own lifetimes. This is the secret that the Human Design System truly offers us: that life is designed to be effortless, and that to live out your nature is to see your role in the great mythic play of life. It is to realise that the unique role you have been given is the very one you have always dreamed of.Here are some simplified examplesof channels that can occur in people’s charts:The channel of transitoriness:people who don’t stay with one thing for very long.The channel of initiation:people who are usually highly competitive.The channel of the alpha:people who are natural born leaders.The channel of charisma:people who are endlessly busy.The channel of the prodigal:people who require frequent periods of retreat in their lives.
The Human Design System is symmetrical and logical, and once a rave chart is drawn up it is simple and easy both to analyse and explain.

THE NINE CENTRESHEAD – Inspiration: The Pressure Centre from AboveAJNA – The Mind/Conceptualisation: The Centre of Mental AwarenessTHROAT – Expression: The Centre of ManifestationHEART/EGO – The Will Power MotorG – Identity/Direction/Love: The ‘Higher’ SelfSACRAL – Sexuality/Creativity: The Fertility MotorSOLAR PLEXUS – Emotions: The Centre of Emotional AwarenessSPLEEN – Defence/Cleansing/Intuition: The Centre of Splenic AwarenessROOT – Kundalini/Stress: The Pressure Centre from Below

The Genetic TableThe Genetic Table (see diagram) represents the exact mathematical correlation between the ancient Chinese I Ching and the human genetic code.
Four types of human beingsOf the infinite possibilities that lie within our genetic material, Human Design shows us clearly that we humans are perhaps not as complicated as we like to think, for there are only four basic types of human being! Of course, there are millions of differences within these types, since each of us is unique. Each of the four types below operates according to a set of very simple natural laws.• Manifestors are pure energy beings. They are designed specifically not to be controlled by anyone. They often meet a lot of resistance in life because of this, and they can end up feeling very cut off from people. As with all the four types, when they understand the simple laws that govern their nature, life can suddenly be a lot easier for them.• Famous manifestors: Adolf Hitler, Paul McCartney, Alice Bailey, Sigmund Freud, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross.• Generators are designed to respond to life. Unlike manifestors they have no idea of where they are going until they respond. Therefore they have to wait until life initiates them first. Generators are potentially the most powerful of all the types, but unless they understand how they work, they are the most frustrated people alive.• Famous generators: Mozart, The Dalai Lama, Prince Charles.• Projectors are people whose specific gift is to work with and guide the energy of others. They alone can understand both manifestors and generators. They also have a design to wait, and the key that unlocks their power is recognition. Unless they are recognised, they are powerless. Once they are recognised, they can achieve almost anything.• Famous Projectors: Ramana Maharshi, Osho (formerly Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh), Karl Marx, Princess Diana.• Reflectors are the rarest of the four types, since they have nothing fixed in their nature to rely upon (none of the nine centres is coloured in). These people can be the wisestpeople among us, since their life rhythms are directly governed by a celestial body: the moon. But if they do not understand how their design works they can feel deeply lost and overwhelmed by life.• Famous reflector: Uri Geller.

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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Primary Intentions

My intentions for this blog are:
1. To find a home to the many evolving ideas that so often cause the ceaseless inspiration
within me :)
2. Spread freely some of the knowledge and understanding I have acquired in this beautiful journey through life (eg. Human Design Synthesis, Gene Keys, Healing with Reiki, ThetaHealing, Oneness Light Healing, Healing with Crystals, Natural Childbirth as Conscious Birthing, Attachment Parenting and so much more) for the purpose of support and encouragement to those on 'the path'.
3. To Help and inspire others to know and understand themselves in deeper ways which promote awakening and conscious evolution for more joy in all areas of life :)

May the highest frequency of Grace abound within this blog and bless all those who read it!

Blessings of Grace,

Alex :)