Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Got YeYe?

Most mom's and their children give a love nickname to their breastmilk. Ours was YeYe!
I love nursing! Isn't it a miracle that within women's breast blood turns to the perfect food for our children?
And it's even delightfully sweet! I believe it is not just an act of Love, when a mami nurses her baby, but that she is physically feeding Love to her baby :) Just thinking about it makes me get all nostalgic and I feel the Love within my own breasts stir.

Here is 12 tips on how to increase your breast milk supply :)
Understand it is best to combine several of these factors,
better yet try them all at the same time.

  1. Goat's Rue Herb works wonders! My friend last year from homeschooling co-op had her 4th child, but was having major issues with her breastmilk drying up. She tried everything with mediocre results, but the Goat's Rue Herb worked really!
  2. Make sure you are staying well-hydrated- this alone I have noticed will increase or decrease my milk supply
  3. Make sure you are eating enough calories from foods that are good for you, not just empty ones. Eat your greens, I prefer them in a raw powdered form that I add to water (but you can add it to freshly squeezed juice) in the morning :)
  4. Oatmeal does work. Try to eat it at breakfast and if you are hungry after supper
  5. Raw milk (preferably from cows that are100% pastured, raw butter, raw cream, raw cheeses, yogurt made from raw milk especially kefir (in Mexico my mom used to call them 'burgaros' I might be able to get some fresh and send them over, let me know if you want them) made from raw milk also works! If you can't get raw milk, then you might be able to get raw hard cheeses.
  6. Extra Virgin Raw Coconut Oil work up to 1 + TBsp per day. Start at 1/8th because it also helps you get rid of Candida, so it may make you a bit nauseous if you eat too much too soon.
  7. Make sure you are not too stressed or overworked or overtired as that will make your supply diminish, so the old-age advice of "resting when baby rests" is true, although not always possible :)
  8. Mother's milk tea they sell at the health food store helps. Fennel Tea also helps (which is in Mother's milk tea)
  9. Omega 3's in Flax seeds and oil, hemp seeds and oil, chia seeds and walnuts helps get that mama's milk yummy and abundant!
  10. Eat more soaked grains or grain milks and nut milks: I have some red hard wheat (but you can do it with any almost any grain and nut) that I soak overnight in water, drain, blend and then pass through a cheese cloth to get the milk - good for baby too around 9+months :) I also take some wheat and simmer overnight covered in enough water to make a delicious morning breakfast with milk and raw honey.
  11. Sardines, yes sardines :) They are one of the lowest contaminated fishes and if you get the ones with the bones in them you are receiving great calcium, iron and protein, plus Omega 3's!
  12. Breath deeply, mentally let go of the day, consciously relax your whole body and concentrate on envisioning the ducts in your breast open, see and feel the release of the love (milk)inside. Lightly caress, from your shoulder down with your fingertips. By doing this, I used to be able to consciously have a milk let down several times during a feeding, when the girls were infants :)

Have you ever experienced 'being in the Flow'?

If you are anything like me, you have searched far and wide for different healing modalities, empowering techniques and virtually almost anything that will help you align deeper with your True Self. In 2007, my search came to an end (well at least for a long long time because I am a seeker of truth and that never ends!). What I discovered, peeled away all of the layers of conditioning to reveal my inner precious True Self, I always felt within. From that point on, my True Self was freed and I continue to align with it deeper and deeper everyday :)
Relief, confirmation, answers to deep-seated questions, solutions to everyday challenges are just some of the many blessings I have received from knowing and living my Human Design.

What is Human Design?
Human Design is one of the most accurate, cutting-edge, self-empowerment tools revealed to mankind! It is the synthesis of ancient sacred esoteric wisdom: Chinese I-Ching, Hindu Chakra System, Jewish Kabalah and Eastern and Western Astrology, with modern sciences: Genetics and Quantum Physics!
Human Design was revealed to Ra Uru Hu in 1987 at Ibiza, Spain. According to your birth information a unique and striking Human Design Mandala can be generated. From this Human Design Mandala, a trained specialist can analyse and synthesize all the information held within to reveal and free your magnificent True Self!

The Value of A Human Design Synthesis
After learning what is HD, the next question people ask is 'how can it benefit me?". The answer is simple: it will transform your life and give you the tools to shift away from painful habits to deeply understanding who you are and living a more conscious and awake life that becomes a portal for love, joy and Light. As you become more enLightened with knowing who you are, this "understanding" naturally flows over your relationships, your career, your spirituality and all other aspects of your life. You realize that "it is not personal" and all of the sudden, you start becoming less angry, less frustrated and much less disappointed with yourself, others and life. These lower vibrations are replaced with higher and expanding vibrations of forgiveness and love fostered by understanding our's and other's Human Design.

Yet, it doesn't stop there, as you continue to live out more deeply your Human Design, the magnificense of who you are pours out of you effortlessly. The Law of Attraction is now amped up in your life to attract with grace and ease what is most correct, joyful and expanding for you. It is also in full alignment with your life purpose :) . Sincronicity becomes a light field you are constantly bathed in and not some sporadic event in your life. You start experiencing what we as a culture have defined when miracles are constantly happening: Being in the FLOW!

Can't seem to stay in the Flow?

Then, I invite you to receive a Human Design Synthesis and experience Being in the Flow like never before :)

Blessings of Being in the Flow!!

Alex :)

PS Click on this link to explore how you can choose to stay in the Flow
by selecting the Human Design Synthesis that is right for you!