Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Dear God! Morning Prayer, Visualization and Affirmation : PRAISE TO THE AUTHENTIC SELF!!

First of all today, I'll like to Thank the God Within me and the Great Spirit of Divine Intelligence and Love that permeates all things and gives it Life Force! Thank You for the Experience of the adventure that is my life! Thank you for my family, my dearest husband who is so responsible he can't relax and be happy and my dearest children who help me here on earth so much! EMCA!
I am grateful for Human Design and all the clarity, understanding and balance and potential of greatness it adds to my life! I surrender my Life to my Life Mission and Purpose and ask for Divine Intercession to bestow unto us the prosperity in finances to support our sharing our Life Mission with our family, our children and the community at large.

I thank my worthy self for accepting and receiving fully the blessings of this great Inheritance and Praise it for what it is the Highest and Best for All involved!

I am Open to the Highest and Best Guidance Now for the next step or the next thing to respond to, for bringing our world closer to a world of Sustainable Peace a Conscious Gathering of a People all over the world, living....breathing....sustainable peace in and through their hearts. Let it Be!! So Be IT!! SO IT IS!!

1 comment:

  1. This is a wonderful Affirmation you can modify to your own experiences :)
    Sat Naam!
